Serves: 8-10 medium sized dosa

1 cup moong dal chilka (green gram lentils)
6 tbsp rice flour
3/4 cup to 1 cup water
oil for drizzling
salt to taste
some freshly chopped coriander (optional)

Wash and soak moong dal in water for 4-5 hours or overnight. Grind dal with some coriander leaves to make coarse paste using little water if required, adding chopped coriander gives nice green colour.

Transfer in a bowl, add rice flour and salt, mix well. Add little water at a time to make to spreading consistency batter I used 3/4 cup water, if required little more to get right consistency batter.

First make small dosa to check the right consistency of batter, it should be easily spreadable in circular motion.

Heat pan (it should be hot not warm), clean with kitchen towel, keep ladle full of batter, first spread from the center and then moving in circular motion from the edges.

For crisp and evenly cooked dosa, spread the excess batter which get collected in the edges with silicon spatula as shown in pic.

Now put oil on the dosa from center to edges and let it turn crisp and brown. Cook on medium flame never on low flame.

Wrap the dosa and enjoy with peanut chutney or plain sambhar.

Note: If you want to make 4-5 dosas reduce the quantity of dal to 1/2 cup and rice flour to 3 tbsp.


1. Wash and soak dal.

2. Remove the excess the water and don't throw the chilka of dal.

3,. Grind in blender with some freshly chopped coriander leaves.

4. The paste is ready, don't make it very smooth, little coarse batter will give good crispiness.

5. Transfer in a bowl, add salt and rice flour.

6. Mix well.

7. Add water to get spreading consistency batter.

8. This is the consistency we want.

9. Make sure pan is hot, take a laddle full of batter.

10. Start spreading from the center first.

11. Toward the end.

12. Spread the excess batter in the end with silicon spatula, so that it doesn't get stick and can get spread evenly.

13. Now put oil all over

14. As it start turning brown start rolling.

15. Roll it.

16. Like this.

17. Serve with peanut chutney.

18. Closer look.

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