To make these cookies you don't need any special cookie cutter or any particular blocks, it's made with easily available whisk which these days mostly everyone have at home
Unlike chewy choco-chip cookies or choco filled cookies these cookies turns out to be crunchy and crispy if balls made in smaller size.
So let's begin with these easy, crispy and crunchy cookies.
Serves: 12-13 cookies
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup butter (room temperature)
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbsp milk
cocoa powder for printing
whisk for making design
1/4 cup Nutella for filling
1. Mix sugar and softened butter. Beat well till it's pale in colour using hand beater or whisker.
2. Add flour mix well.
3. Once flour is well incorporated add 1 tbsp milk. If required add more to make smooth non-sticky dough.
4. Wrap the dough in cling film and keep in freezer for 10-15 minutes.
5. While dough is resting in freezer pre-heat oven at 160?C.
6. Take a small part of dough (around lemon size) and roll it.
7. Keep it on lined baking tray.
8. Take hand whisk dip in cocoa powder well, making sure it's coated well on all the wires of whisk.
9. Dust extra cocoa powder by banging it with very little hand (or the complete cocoa powder will shed off)
10. Dig in placed cookie.
11. Bake it in pre-heated oven at 160?C for 10 minutes. For extra crunch bake for 12-13 minutes.
12. Let all the cookies cool down completely.
13. Fill nutella in piping bag, using the smallest hole nozzle, fill nutella in maked flowers.
14. Your kids are just gonna love it!!
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