8-10 packets of strawberry
4 cups of sugar (sugar level varies depending on the sweetness of strawberries)
2 tbsp citric acid
1/4 cup warm water
glass jar washed and sun dried

Wash and chop strawberries. Keep pan on low flame and cook strawberries. Once it start leaving water as shown in pic 2, add sugar in it.

Cook the mixture and keep mashing strawberries till it thickens. Take taste test and adjust sugar level accordingly.

Warm 1/4 cup water and add 2 tbsp citric acid. stir till it dissolves completely.

Mix in strawberry mix. Let the mix come down to room temperature.

Store in washed and dried glass container in freezer.

1. I used 8 packets of strawberry and stored almost 2 kgs of strawberry pulp.

2. One can adjust sugar level according to the taste.

3. Adding citric acid is optional, but strawberry preserve with citric acid cannot be added in milk as it will curdle it, only benefit is it increases the shelf life.

4. I used this pulp only in puddings, if you want to preserve to add in milk omit citric acid.

5. I used honey jar which was washed thoroughly and then I dried it under sun for 2 days.

6. It's always better to keep crush thick as you can use it as jam.

7. If using for pudding, add more sugar in it and cook again so that sugar dissolves and crush becomes little thin.


1. Wash and chop strawberries and cook on low flame.

2. Once strawberries start leaving water add sugar.

3. Keep stirring, mashing and cook strawberries on low flame.

4. When it thickens turn off the flame.

5. Warm 1/4 cup water and add citric acid. Keep stirring till citric acid dissolves completely.

6. Add in strawberry crush. Let the mix come down to room temperature.

7. Store in jar.

8. Close it tightly and keep in freezer.

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