2 boiled potatoes
1/4 cup chopped capsicum
1/4 cup boiled peas
1/4 cup boiled carrot
1 tsp coriander powder (dhaniya powder)
1 tsp chaat masala
2 tbsp cornflour
1/2 cup powdered cornflakes or breadcrumbs
salt and chili to taste
6-7 Ice-cream sticks

Boil the vegetables and mash them roughly. Mix all the vegetables in mashed and boiled potato. Add dhaniya powder, chaat masala, salt and chili.Mix all the ingredients well.

Divide the dough in equal portion and give it desired shape. Stick the dough well with ice-cream sticks. Keep aside.

In a big bowl, make a thin batter of cornflour with water. Dip the sticks in cornflour batter and roll it in the bread crumb or powdered cornflakes.

Deep fry in hot oil on medium heat.

Serve with sauce.

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